See a list of employees joining and leaving the University in August 2014:


Aaron, Darryl W.; Adjunct; School of Divinity
Alms, Sydnee Lyn; Special Projects Manager; WFUSB-Marketing
Arpen, Katherine Joanna; Part-Time Instructor; Art
Babcock, John William; Adjunct; School of Law
Barrow, Alvita Eason; Assistant Director; Law: Career Services
Bokeno, James Kevin; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Breeding, Matthew Holbrook; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Burrell, Cheryl Grace; Adjunct; Biology
Clough, Mireille Patricia; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Collette, Lee Steelman; Coordinator of Outdoor Pursuit; Campus Recreation
Cooper, Jeremy Todd; Part-Time Asst Prof; Chemistry
Costner, Lisa Singer; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Craven, David Leigh; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Davis, Bonnie Leanna; Assoc. Dir., News & Communication; Advancement
Doby, Sarah C.; Accounts Rec. Acct. Specialist; Financial & Accounting Service
Duckworth, Katharine E.; Adjunct Instructor; Counseling
Durant, Sylvia; Director,Corporate & Foundation Rel; Advancement
Erhardt, Marianne Jay; Part-Time Asst Professor; English
Evans, Jason Doughton; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Gaines, Stevlana; Weekend Porter; Facilities & Campus Services
Garneau, James Putnam; Asst Director, Athletic Communications; Athletics
Goodson, Gay Waynette; Adjunct; English
Green, Franklin Bailey; Adjunct; Biology
Habib, Daniel Joseph; Technical Assistant; Brendle Recital Hall
Hartley, Anselma Gabrielle; Post Doc Researcher; Psychology
Hatcher, Bryan Gregory; Adjunct; School of Divinity
Hennig, Cherie Jeanne; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Hicks, Cheryl Jamila; Asst. Dir., Multicultural Prog; OPCD
Huang, I-Ning; Part-Time Faculty; East Asian Language & Cultures
Hudson, Jennifer Grayson; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Hull, Lee Patricia; Adjunct; School of Divinity
Jenkins, Carolyn Marie Nolin; Event Management Assistant Int; Athletics
Kekuewa, David Wayne Kelikuewa; Recruiting Assistant; Athletics
Kerr, Lindsay Kathryn; Office of the Chaplain Residen; Chaplain’s Office
Kerrigan, Jennifer Lee; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
King, Ged E.; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Knauss, D. Troy; Adjunct; Entrepreneurship-Academ Initiatives
Lambros, Marian Ann; Adjunct; Economics
Leonard, Carolyn McCarthy; Adjunct Instructor; Counseling
Lischke, Doug Edward; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Locicero, Jack Patrick; Adjunct Instructor; Counseling
Long, Jessica Wood; Asst Dir, Soc Med, Mkt, New St; OPCD
Lupo, Dickson McCarthy; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Margius, Deanna Rose; Tutor; Athletics
Matthes, Kristen; Event Management Assistant Int; Athletics
Matthews, Marnie Steelman; Associate Controller; Financial & Accounting Service
Melman, Charles L.; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Mendenhall, Brian Hardy; Asst. Dir., Career Coach; OPCD
Mitchell, Peter W.; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Morgan, J. Griffin; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Morgan, Kelly; Research Interventionist II; Health & Exercise Science
Murphy, Mary Ellen; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Nicita, Daniela; Part-Time Fulbright Teach Asst; Romance Languages
Poandl, Margaret; Adjunct Instructor; Counseling
Pocock, Donald Richard; Adjunct; Law: Administration
Pollak, Evelyn Carter; Nurse, Night RN, Part-Time; Student Health Services
Rabb, Martin Vunn; Custodian; Weekend Porter; Facilities & Campus Services
Rucker, Elizabeth Campbell; Office of the Chaplain Residen; Chaplain’s Office
Samli, Sherife Ayla; Part-Time Assistant Professor; Anthropology
Sauser, Anna Leisa; Part-time Staff Counselor; Counseling Center
Saxena, Chandni; Analyst/Programmer II; IS: Applications Development
Sayles, Debra Lenee; Adjunct; Theatre
Scofield, Hope Laurianne; Tutor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
Sharafeldin, Ahmad Abdel Tawwab; Visiting Assistant Professor; Romance Languages
Shaw, Brian Michael; Adjunct Instructor; Counseling
Sheridan, Eric Matthew; Recruiting Assistant; Athletics
Shuping, Hayden John; Greenhouse Manager; Facilities & Campus Services
Smith, David Coventry; Adjunct; Law: Instruction
Sousa, Bettie Kelley; Adjunct Professor; Law: Instruction
Swartzentruber, Elaine K.; Adjunct; Religion
Taylor, Brooke M; Academic Counselor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
Trosan, Raymond R.; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Tyler, ColinĀ  ; Visiting Prof-Politics/Intl Af; Politics and International Affairs
Ueda, Kazumasa; Part-Time Faculty; East Asian Language & Cultures
Vaughan, Donald Ray; Adjunct Professor of Law; Law: Instruction
Velasquez, Jessie Rae; Custodian, Weekend Porter; Facilities & Campus Services
Wigodsky, John David; Adjunct; WFUSB-Instruction
Woodard, Elizabeth Dickson Howlett; Team Leader, Custodial Service; Facilities & Campus Services
Young, Elisabeth Morley Chinlund; Nurse, RN; Student Health Services


Allen, Heather Cooke; Financial & Accounting Services
Bare, David A.; Facilities & Campus Services
Bowers, Taylor Breanna; Mail Services
Boyce, Michael Manon; Informations Systems
Brim, Joseph Wesley; Facilities & Campus Services
Brittenham, Greg Scott; Athletics
Burns, Carol E.; Financial & Accounting Services
Church, Tami Eleanor; Information Systems
Cobb, Gavin Wesley; Athletics
Cook, Lauren Nowlan; Health & Exercise Science
Crouch, Nancy Reeder; Information Systems
Crowley, Casey Timothy; Law: Community Development Clinic
Ferguson, William Gordon; University Advancement
Gonzalez, Kerry Alan; Reynolda House
Hale, Rachel Elmore; Biology
Harris, John Bryce Marshall; University Advancement
Houser, Abby J.; Athletics
Hughes, Lakeithia; Facilities & Campus Services
Hughes-Love, Kei Aundre De’Shaun; Facilities & Campus Services
Hunter, Holly Lynn; Graylyn
Keen, Bradley Thomas; Athletics
LaRue, Rusty L.; Athletics
Martin, Ashley; WFUSB-Undergrad Summer Mgt Prog
McCain, Monica Renee; Facilities & Campus Services
McGinn, Landon Scott; University Advancement
Misenheimer, Alda; Reynolda House
Moore, Adam Lee; Facilities & Campus Services
Morant, Blake Dominic; School of Law
Moreau, Gregory W.; Residence Life & Housing
Morrison, Helen Patricia; Financial & Accounting Services
Naor, Michael; WFUSB-Instruction
Newton, David T.; Graylyn: Conference Services
Payne, Ronald Dean; School of Law
Pena, Marcus; Facilities & Campus Services
Phillips, Donn A.; Facilities & Campus Services
Ruskoski, Chelsea Elizabeth Mensch; Athletics
Souzis, Anthony Harry; Facilities & Campus Services
Thomas, Oliver M.; School of Divinity
Tingen, Joanna G.; Music
Walker, Rachael Dietrich; University Advancement
Wall, Amber Sell; Residence Life & Housing
Witherspoon, Kendra Laverne; Graylyn
