August 2014 staff milestones
See a list of staff milestones for August 2014.
One year
Joseph Aaron Bailey; Custodian; FACS: Custodial Services
Jeneth Moreno Barr; Custodian; FACS: Custodial Services
Brooke Yvette Brown; Alumni Giving Fellow; Advancement: Wake Forest Fund
Pamela Katharine Bunten; Alumni Giving Fellow; Advancement: Wake Forest Fund
Erika Grace Clarke; Admin Crd-CLT Prog-Enroll Mgmt; WFUSB-Charlotte Program Admin
Roger Lee Epps; Assistant Director, Multimedia; Athletics
Kristin Marie Frantz; Administrative Assistant; Music
Amy Dale Galbraith; Asst. Dir., MA Enrollment Mgmt; WFUSB-Marketing
Katherine Signe Gore; Assistant Director, Multimedia; Athletics
Daniel Matthew Hamm; Research Interventionist II; Health & Exercise Science
Philip G. Handwerk; Director of Institutional Res.; Institutional Research
Katie Hatch; Compensation Analyst; Human Resources
Philip George Honaker; IT and Facilities Assistant; WFUSB-Information Services
Aaron Van Lail; Day Porter; Custodial; FACS: Custodial Services
June Watts Livingston; Custodian 3rd Shift; FACS: Custodial Services
William Marion; Service Technician ll; Athletics: Facilities Mgmt
Hannah Mary McKay; Legal Staff Assistant; Law: Elder Clinic
David Lee Moore; Locksmith; FACS: Locksmith Shop
Sharon Norman; Team Leader, Custodial 3rd; FACS: Custodial Services
David McVey Pennell; Service Technician l; Athletics: Facilities Mgmt
Kimberly Ann Phoenix; Supervisor, Costume Studio; University Theatre
Kimberly Ponitz; Admin Asst-CLT Prog-Mkt Rd/Emp; WFUSB-Charlotte Program Admin
Richard Thomas Ray; Coordinator of Outdoors Prgram; Campus Life
Virginia Isabelle Ruane; Alumni Giving Fellow; Advancement: Wake Forest Fund
Louise Ann Schatz; Program & Admissions Associate; Counseling
Chris A. Singleton; Director, Event Operations; Athletics: Game Day Operations
Steven Franklin Spencer; Development Officer School Law; Advancement: Law School
Michelle Gay Stanley; Accountant,Grants Acctg & Comp; Financial & Accounting Service
Casey Lee Stilley; Groundskeeper; FACS: Landscaping Services
Ashley Nicole Wechter; Asst Dir Student-Athlete Devel; Athletics
Katherine Elizabeth Wolf; Assistant Gallery Director; Art
Wayne T Wright; Coordinator, Sports Perfomance; Athletics: Weight Room
Five years
Dawn Katherine Cadd; Procurement Card Administrator; Procurement Services
Andrew R. Chan; Vice President for Career Dev; OPCD: Administration
Edward Blake Edmunds; Asst Director, Marketing; Athletics
Timothy N. French; Dir, Magnolia Scholars Prog; Dean of Wake Forest College
Sylvia Marie Green; Exec Dir, EMC Excel, Mkt, Comm; WFUSB-Marketing
Tammy Jean Burke Griffin; Administrative Coordinator; Dean of Wake Forest College
Christy Lynne Hill; Administrative Assistant; FACS: Project Management
Kathy W. Idol; Comm Coord/Fin Aid Counselor; Financial Aid Office
Hansford Sayalah Johnson; Executive Director, MA Program; WFUSB-MA in Management
Satoko Suzuki; Counselor; Dean of Wake Forest College
Cynthia J. Tucker; Customer Service Specialist; FACS: Support Services
Daniel D. Walters; Assistant Coach, Men’s Golf; Athletics
Gregory Michael White; Assistant Athletic Trainer; Athletics: Sports Medicine
Seth F. Youngblood; Academic Counselor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
10 years
Anne M. Bradley; Assistant Athletic Trainer; Athletics: Sports Medicine
Paul B. Bright; Gallery Director; Art
Michael Alfred Caporaletti; Parking Enforcement Officer; FACS: Parking & Transportation
Heather McBride Childress; Collections Curator; WFU Art Collections
Sara S. Cromwell; Interim Assistant Director; College: Academic Support
Brad Darmofal; Asst AD Sales & Customer SVC; Athletics: Development
David Jay Gainey; Visual Arts Technician; Art
Katisa Shevon Roseboro; Custodian; FACS: Custodial Services
Jeffrey L. Wilhelm; Multimedia Support Analyst; IS: Knowledge & Service Support
15 years
Dawn Erin Calhoun; Assoc Dean of Admissions; Admissions: Undergraduate
Teresa De Jesus Cisneros; Custodian; FACS: Custodial Services
Kathleen Marie Jeffords; Mgr, Receivables&Disbursements; Graylyn: Admin & General
Michael Fred Logan; Manager, Strategic Sourcing; Procurement Services
Cynthia Arlene Smit McClannon; Computing Consultant II; Law: Computing Support
Jo Ann Marks Trethaway; Operations Manager; Divinity School
Barbara G. Walker; Sr Associate Athletic Director; Athletics: Administration
Linda Sykes Ziglar; Library Specialist IV; ZSR
20 years
Kelly Gambill Hundley; Quality Assurance Analyst; IS: Applications Development
Gordon E. McCray; Vice Dean of Programs; WFUSB-Undergraduate Programs Admin
Kenneth G. Sharp; Windows Syst Administrator, Sr; IS: Infrastructure
25 years
Alan Spencer Cameron; Associate Director; Counseling Center
Michael A. Thompson; Lab Manager; Chemistry
Jack E. Wilkerson; Sr Assoc Dean, Account Prog; WFUSB-Instruction
30 years
Kathy Ann Bunn; Graduate Bus Programs Registra; WFUSB-Administration
Sally A. Irvin; Assoc Dir of Educational Tech; Law: Professional Ctr Library
35 years
Margaret H. Kittrell; Nurse, LPN; Student Health Services
Categories: University Announcements