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As Wake Forest assists in preparing for Dr. Maya Angelou’s memorial service, event planners are striving to meet the substantial security, parking and traffic management and other important needs associated with Saturday’s service.  Dr. Angelou’s family appreciates the generous support and cooperation demonstrated in recent days by our campus community.

Event planners need the help and flexibility of University faculty and staff to create a successful service. Event planners have attempted to identify all activities planned to take place on campus between 6 p.m. Friday, June 6 and 2 p.m. Saturday, June 7. Activities planned between these hours are likely to experience significant disruption due to security measures preventing easy access to campus and causing traffic and parking issues.

The University requests that any events or activities set during that time be delayed until after 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon, moved off-campus or cancelled, if possible. Other alternatives include parking campus visitors off campus and bringing them to campus on a University shuttle. As soon as possible, please call Parking and Transportation at 758-2558 or e-mail Alex Crist in that office at to arrange for shuttle service.

You may contact Kevin Cox at 758-5197 or 391-6747 to discuss the unique nature of your event and alternatives.

In addition, the University recommends that faculty and staff avoid campus and surrounding access roads Saturday morning and early afternoon. Campus security likely will be tight, campus access will be slow, and traffic at times will be much higher than usual for a summer Saturday.

Instructions for campus may change as security requirements evolve this week.

Anyone who drives onto campus, without being on a University shuttle, will be required to have a Wake Forest ID, Wake Forest parking pass or an invitation to the memorial service. The University’s gatehouses will be in operation during the hours stated above as part of security measures associated with the service. Residents of the Faculty Drive and Belle Vista neighborhoods will have access, as they regularly do.

As a reminder, the service will be livestreamed on the University website at

Thank you for your cooperation, patience and support.
