Endowed Professors, Faculty Fellowships and promotions
Congratulations to the College’s newest endowed professors, this year’s Wake Forest Faculty Fellows and those faculty receiving promotions.
The Wake Forest Professorship award is an endowed chair position and is among the University’s highest honors. The selection criteria include exceptional skill and sustained dedication in the classroom; outstanding commitment to student learning and growth beyond the classroom; a wide-reaching and significant record in scholarly and creative work; a sustained exemplary service to the department, the discipline, the College, the University and the broader scholarly community.
Recipients of the Wake Forest Professorships are:
Stewart Carter (MUS), Wake Forest Professorship
Mary Foskett (REL), Kahle Professorship
Page Laughlin (ART), Tribble Professorship
Steve Robinson (MTH), Taylor Professorship
Miles Silman (BIO), Bell Professorship
Wake Forest Faculty Fellowships______________________________
The Wake Forest Faculty Fellowship is a program of financial support designed to honor our best teacher-scholars. Recipients are:
Rebecca Alexander (CHM), The F.M. Kirby Family Faculty Fellowship
David Carroll (PHY) The Scott Family Fellowship
Samuel Cho (PHY), The Shively Family Faculty Fellowship
Lucas Johnston (REL), The Ollen R. Nalley Family Faculty Fellowship
Judith Madera (ENG), The McCulloch Family Faculty Fellowship Fund
V. Paul Pauca (CSC), The Bryant/Groves Faculty Fellowship
Yasuko Takata Rallings (EAL), The Wright Family Faculty Fellowship
Christian Waugh (PSY), The Zachary T. Smith Fellowship
Dean Franco (ENG)
Martin Guthold (PHY)
Woody Hood (COM)
Marina Krcmar (COM)
Christian Miller (Philosophy)
Akbar Salam (Chemistry)
Promoted to associate professor:
Jay Curley (ART)
Patricia Dos Santos (CHM)
Steve Folmar (ANT)
Jeff Katula (HES)
Remi Lanzoni (ROM)
Judith Madera (ENG)
Nathan Plageman (HST)
Michelle Voss Rogers (Divinity School)
Erica Still (ENG)
Timo Thonhauser (PHY)
Other promotions:
Peter Gilbert (COM) from Senior Lecturer to Professor of the Practice
Phoebe Zerwick (ENG) from; Lecturer to Associate Professor of the Practice
Steven Gunkel (SOC) from Lecturer to Associate Teaching Professor
John Tomlinson (CHM) from Lecturer to Associate Teaching Professor