January 2014 comings and goings
See a list of employees joining and leaving the University in January 2014:
Ali, Omar H.; Adjunct History
Allamby, Erwin O’Neal; Graylyn
Aycock, Sherrie Lynn; Adjunct Instructor, School of Business, Instruction
Baxter, Kaylan Sheree; Asst Dir, Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Bordogna, Martha Carmen; Law Admissions Fellow, School of Law, LL.M. Program
Bretan, Gail Helene; Program Director, Jewish Life, Chaplain’s Office
Briggs, Cynthia Ann; Adjunct Counseling
Briscoe, Susan Fuller; Adjunct School of Business, Instruction
Buffkin, Thomas R.; Adjunct Counseling
Cardi, Vincent Paul; Adjunct School of Law, Instruction
Carter, Max Leon; Adjunct, School of Divinity
Correa, Silvia; Admin. Assist. Inter., Programs College Interdisciplinary Studies
Cruz, Kimberly AnnWater; Fitness Instructor, Campus Recreation
Dean, James Aaron; Adjunct School of Law, Instruction
Decker, Paul Jay; Adjunct Instructor, Counseling
Dontcheva, Iana-Maria Koleva; Adjunct Instructor, Communication
Dvorscak, Christine; Administrative Coordinator, University Advancement
Eaves, Edward Henry; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health & Exercise Science
Eller, Jeffrey Michael; Head of Acquistions & Descript, Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Elliott, Margaret Parks; Adjunct, School of Divinity
Gert, Heather Joy; Adjunct Faculty, Philosophy
Giannini, John Joseph; Part-Time Prof, Phil Instruction and Support
Hantgan, Roy R; Adjunct Chemistry
Harmon, Aaron Richard; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Communication
Heath, Donald Ray; Adjunct School of Business,Instruction
Hipp, Travis Newman; Tutor Athletics Student, Athletes Svcs
Jones, Stacy Hope; Coordinator of Comm & Public R, School of Law, External Affairs
Kellogg, Audrey Denton; Library Specialist II, School of Law, Professional Ctr Library
King, Nancy M.P.; Adjunct School of Law, Instruction
Lopina, Colleen Pierce; Tutor Athletics Student, Athletes Svcs
Lotterhos, Kathleen E.; Assistant Professor of Biology
Martin, Anthony Cook III; Graylyn, Food Services
Masicampo, Melissa Lynn; Adjunct Psychology
McCulloch, Michael T.Tutor; Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
McKee, Rebecca G.; Student Coordinator Physics
Miziko, Anthony Scott; Dean’s Fellow, School of Law, Instruction
Morton, Ruth Norcia; Adjunct School of Law, Instruction
Mulbah, Asil; Director, High School Relation, Athletics, Football
Olson, Tara Koeval; Adjunct Instructor School of Business, Instruction
Pitts, James Herbert; Part-Time Police Officer, University Police
Robertson, Michael Lee; Electrician Facilities and Campus Services
Rubino, Anna; Adjunct English
Russo, Johnny Mike; Part-Time Police Officer, University Police
Scholl, Mark Boyd; Associate Prof. of Counseling
Simmons-Burke, D’Walla; Adjunct School of Divinity
Smith, Jack Douglas; Tutor Athletics: Student Athletes Svcs
Smith, Teresa R.; Part-Time Faculty Women’s and Gender Studies
Snapp, Melissa Williams; Adjunct Counseling
Staton, Monesha Lakesia; Library Specialist III, Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Tabacca, Nicholas Paul; Assistant Coach, Football, Athletics
Tomberlin, Allison Clarice; Adjunct Professor of Law, School of Law, Instruction
Valles, Damian; HPC Unix SA, Associate Information Systems, Infrastructure
Vestal, Claudia G; Part-Time Instructor Romance Languages
Virgil, Sheila Monen; Asst. Dean of Dev, Sch of Divinity
Whitt-Glover, Melicia; Adjunct Health & Exercise Science
Wright, Tomica Yvonne; Adjunct Counseling
Baker, John Austin; Facilities and Campus Services
Barefoot, Stuart; WFDD Radio
Beedoe, Archie; Facilities and Campus Services
Beeson, Patrick S.; Advancement: Digital Communications
Bennett, Lance E.; School of Business, Enrollment Management
Green, Elizabeth Myers; School of Law, Registrar’s Office
Greenlee, Frances K.Y. Claytor; Student Health Services
Griffin, Geoffrey Randell, Facilities and Campus Services
Hamilton, Tracy Jill; School of Law, Registrar’s Office
Hassler, Tiffany Dawn; Benson Student Center
Hughes, Jimmy Allen; Facilities and Campus Services
Jeter, Shelia Laverne; Facilities and Campus Services
Jones, Cynthia A.; School of Law, Registrar’s Office
Kessler, Janet Faye; School of Law, Registrar’s Office
Kessler, Tim Richard; School of Law, Registrar’s Office
Knorr, Brian K.; Athletics Football
Mock, Sherrod Jamal; Facilities and Campus Services
Morgan, Christy L.; Athletics Field Hockey – Women
Pearman, Lukas James Holder; Graylyn, Guest Services
Rone, Ronald; Facilities and Campus Services
Scott, Davon Edward; Facilities and Campus Services
Smith, Michael Todd; Facilities and Campus Services
Worthy, Chuntcey De’vonta Lamar FACS: Custodial Services
Categories: University Announcements