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At the Staff Rewards and Recognition Luncheon, Travis Manning and Shayla Herndon-Edmunds were named Employees of the Year.

Travis ManningManning, the circulation manager at Z. Smith Reynolds Library, has been described as patient and kind to everyone, demonstrating a commitment to improving services every day. He has a great ability to build a bridge of understanding between people and provides superlative, exceptional service and always has a smile. He is the first to volunteer when there is a call for assistance, and he truly leads by example. As a problem-solver and supervisor of student workers, he helps scholars transition to university life and guides them through the uncertainty of starting a new job in a new place.

Shayla Herndon-EdmundsHerndon-Edmunds, the manager of diversity education in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, has built a reputation on campus for giving honest feedback and helping people understand how to approach others with the assumption of good intent. By conceptualizing an idea and forming a plan to implement that idea, she has introduced an education series that impacts all levels of the institution. She exhibits dedication to serving others and making a difference – both in the Wake Forest community and globally. By teaching others to understand themselves, those around them, and why we should value similarities and our differences, she has helped create a more inclusive environment for faculty, staff and students.

“The Staff Rewards & Recognition events enable our campus community to celebrate and appreciate our dedicated staff, whether they have been here for 5 or 35 years,” said Carmen Canales, chief human resources officer. “By honoring Employees of the Year, we further recognize exceptional service in the areas of integrity, accountability, inclusion, dedication to excellence, and Pro Humanitate.”
