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The following is a message from President Nathan Hatch:

My message today is brief, but filled with tremendous gratitude and pride for all the many, many Wake Forest faculty, staff and students who helped to make last week so memorable and successful. From the incredible Wake Will Campaign events under the “big tent” on Manchester Plaza on Thursday and Friday, to the impressive “Lay My Burden Down” conference commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, to the Arnold Palmer statue dedication, to the joyous President’s Ball Friday night, and all the Homecoming activities that took place throughout the weekend (including a football win Saturday afternoon!), it was a set of days that Julie and I will long remember.

What we witnessed was the the willingness of each member of this community to pull together in support of common goals, and to celebrate what has been and what can be. Perhaps most striking is that such effort and community spirit is not the rare experience here, but the usual one. That to me speaks perhaps more highly than anything else about what Wake Forest is. To each of you, I say thank you: for what you helped to accomplish last week, but even more to what you do each and every day: for our students, for our university, for our community, and for our world. I could not be more proud.
