September 2013 staff milestones
See a list of employment milestones reached by staff in September 2013:
1 year
Rebecca Jane Bradbury; Market Readiness/Employment Sp; Schools of Business
David John Cowan; Access System Administrator; Deacon One Card
Casey Timothy Crowley; Clinical Fellow; Law: Community Development Clinic
Inger Meredith Daniels; Director, Academic Excellence; Schools of Business
Robert Bruce Daniels; Writer, University Advancement; Comm. & External Relations
Michael Alan Darrow; Asst Dir, WFUSB Annual Fund; Advancement
Rick Davis; Custodial Supervisor, Weekends; Facilities & Campus Services
Stephanie Kristine Demarest; Junior Designer; Comm. & External Relations
Amanda Judy Horton; Asst Dir, Camp Life/Student Pr; Campus Life
Honest Chipo Makamba; Research Assoc to the Chair; Chemistry
Erin Kimberly McCulley-Davis; Univ Police Office Mgr/Exc Off; University Police
Stacey Williams Panchyshyn; Mgr, Mrktng Resrch/Data Analys; Schools of Business
Kristi Jordan Verbeke; Teaching/Faculty Dev Spec; Teaching and Learning Center
Wendela Reed Wooten; Sr Project Mgr; Facilities & Campus Services
5 years
Steven C. Allen; Asst Dir-Release Management; Information Systems
Joshua A. Bevill; Groundskeeper; Facilities & Campus Services
Shannon Victoria Calleja; Benefits Manager; Human Resources
Christopher Lee Cox; Dishwasher; Graylyn
Rebecca A. Fisher; Administrative Assistant; Advancement
Nancy Leigh McDowell; Front Desk Assistant; Athletics: Indoor Tennis Ctr
Rhonda Renee Myrick; Reporting Analyst; Advancement
James D. Raper; Associate Director; Counseling Center
Sue T. Simpson; Admissions Assistant; Admissions
Marybeth Sutton Wallace; Special Asst to the President; President’s Office
10 years
Keith Allred; Mgr-Applications Support; Information Systems
Terry Brent Byrd; Sanitation Coordinator; Facilities & Campus Services
Rosalba Mejia-Maldonado; Housekeeper; Graylyn
Terry D. Rice; Custodian; Facilities & Campus Services
15 years
Peter Adam Romanov; Library Specialist III; Z. Smith Reynolds Library
Brenda H. Sargent; Faculty Secretary II; School of Law
20 years
Charles Ray Boger; Service Technician; Facilities & Campus Services
Mary Lou McCormick; Secretary II; Admissions
Gaylon R. McMinn; Service Technician; Facilities & Campus Services
Sylvia L. Muldrow; Telephone Operator; Benson Student Center
25 years
Mildred M. Herrin; Administrative Assistant; Art
30 years
Hugh F. Brown; Service Technician; Facilities & Campus Services
Categories: University Announcements