Flu season is just around the corner, and anyone can be a potential target. For this reason, Wake Forest is sponsoring onsite flu shot drives in October for faculty, staff and retirees. Talk to your primary care physician to see if the flu vaccine is right for you.

To register for your free flu shot, please visit the Professional Development Center website. Shots are offered at various times from Oct. 1-14.

Flu Facts: The flu is a disease of the breathing passages caused by the influenza virus. It can be as contagious as the common cold & transmitted from people who are already infected. You can also get the flu from others who have been exposed, but have not yet developed symptoms. It is more serious than a cold, often causing severe symptoms (ie body aches, exhaustion, high fever, respiratory inflammation, congestion, cough & more).

For people classified by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as high-risk, it is especially important to get vaccinated (including people over 65; a household contact of persons at increased risk of flu-related complications, anyone with heart disease, diabetes, kidney disorder, blood disorder or an impaired immune system). The flu vaccine is your best protection, as it is 75 to 90% effective in preventing infection.

Contrary to a popular myth, you cannot get the flu from the vaccine since it is made from highly purified, egg-grown viruses that have been rendered noninfectious. Annual flu shots should be received, as new strains develop each year and your body slowly loses its immunity to the flu.

Categories: Happening at Wake
