Anthony Parent and Ulrike Wiethaus of Wake Forest have published a book which includes their own work as well as that of many other Wake Forest authors: “Trauma and Resilience in American Indian and African American Southern History.” It was published by Peter Lang Publishing in April.

Parent is a professor of history and American ethnic studies, and Wiethaus is a professor of religion and American ethnic studies, as well as being a 2013 Community Solutions Fellow with the Institute for Public Engagement.

Parent and Wiethaus wrote the introduction (“Un-doing Southern Silences”), and Parent wrote two chapters: “‘Home’ and ‘House’ in Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” and “Slave Songs as a Public Poetics of Resistance.”

Other Wake Forest authors and their chapter titles:

  • Beth Hopkins, director of outreach for the School of Law, “The Making of an African American Family”
  • Margaret Bender, associate professor of anthropology, “Language Loss and Resilience in Cherokee Medicinal Texts”
  • Margaret Zulick, associate professor of communication, “The Suppression of Native American Presence in the Protestant Myth of America”
  • Nina Maria Lucas; associate professor, director of dance, artistic director of the Dance Company; “Dancing as Protest: Three African American Choreographers, 1940–1960”
  • Christy Buchanan, professor of psychology; Joseph Grzywacz, associate director for research, Center for Worker Health, associate professor, department of Family and Community Medicine, School of Medicine; “African-American Mothers of Adolescents: Resilience and Strengths”
  • Stephen Boyd, John Allen Easley Professor of Religion, “The Visceral Roots of Racism”
  • More publications

    Steven GunkelIn addition to his work on this book, Gunkel has recently published three entries in the Encyclopedia of White-Collar and Corporate Crime (Sage; 2nd Edition; July 2013): “Bernard Madoff,” Insider Trading Sanctions Act,” and “Times Beach Contamination.”

  • Ronald Neal, visiting assistant professor of religion, “Race, Class, and the Traumatic Legacy of Southern Masculinity”
  • Ana-Maria Wahl, associate professor of sociology; and Steven Gunkel, lecturer in sociology; “‘Living High on the Hog’? Race, Class and Union Organizing in Rural North Carolina”
