Proposals funded: Jurchescu, Fleeson, Miller

Oana JurchescuCongratulations to Oana Jurchescu, assistant professor of physics, whose proposal entitled “High-Conductivity in Binary Organic Single Crystals for Electronic Applications” has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the UNC-Chapel Hill (WFU funding agency).

Will FleesonCongratulations to William W. Fleeson, professor of psychology, whose proposal entitled “Integrating Process and Structure in Borderline Personality Disorder” has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award number 5R01MH070571-07 REVISED.

Ellen MillerCongratulations to Ellen Miller, associate professor of anthropology, whose proposal entitled “Paleontological exploration and excavation at Buluk, northern Kenya” has been funded by the Leakey Foundation.
