Mary Pendergraft, professor of classical languages, has been honored by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) with an Ovatio, the organization’s highest award for service to CAMWS and the Classics profession. The award presentation was made in Latin at a banquet attended by more than 450 members of the organization at its annual meeting in Iowa City, Iowa. At the same meeting, Pendergraft also was the recipient of the CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching.

According to Tom Sienkewicz, professor of classics at Monmouth College and secretary-treasurer of CAMWS, Pendergraft was recognized for contributions in the areas of promotion of the study of Latin in North Carolina and throughout the United States and for her work as chief reader of the Latin College Board Exams.

Peter Knox, professor of classics at the University of Colorado and president of CAMWS, said: “Professor Pendergraft is an inspiring teacher, who is also actively engaged in collaborating with colleagues in pedagogical initiatives. Her service to the profession as chief reader of the AP Latin exam and her contributions to our association are justly acknowledged in this award.”

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Inc., is a professional organization for classicists and non-classicists at all levels of instruction which promotes the classics through the broad scope of its annual meeting, through the publication of both original research and pedagogical contributions and through its awards, scholarships and outreach initiatives. CAMWS was founded at the University of Chicago in 1905 and now covers 32 states and three Canadian provinces.
