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vote buttonVoting runs through today (Monday, April 22) in Wake Forest’s annual Staff Advisory Council (SAC) election.

Candidates in the election are staff members in the following areas at the University: Finance/Administration, Provost, Student Life and University Advancement. Eligible voters will receive an email informing them that they may vote for candidates employed in the same University area as they are.

The candidates are seeking to fill SAC positions. The new terms will begin July 1. SAC members are elected to three-year terms.

Online voting is available here:

Eligible voters also may go the OS1 Training Room at the Facilities and Campus Services building.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the members of the SAC Elections Committee: Angela Hobbs (x4521), Travis Manning (x5478), Paul Sheff (x6071) or Ted Johnson (x4374).

The SAC is a University advisory group that strives to strengthen communication between the staff and the University administration. President Nathan Hatch formed the group in 2006. For additional SAC information, visit:
