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The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is pleased to announce the results of the 2013 election. Please congratulate the seven new SAC representatives from across the university staff: Shana Atkins (Advancement), Shannon Badgett (Budget and Finance Planning), David Carlson (FACS: Warehouse), Matt Clifford (Residence Life and Housing), Susan Edwards (Office of Research and Sponsored Programs), Christy Hill (FACS: Project Management), and Kim Thore (University Stores).

In addition to newly-elected representatives, Karen Frekko (Schools of Business) and Jennifer Killingsworth (Financial & Accounting Services) have been re-elected to serve an additional term. Each SAC representative will serve a term of three years and may be re-elected to serve one additional term.

The SAC received nominations from March 1-22 and held the election from April 8 – April 22.  The SAC received a total of 26 unique nominations across the six staff divisions. The overall staff voting participation rate was 36 percent (566 of 1,560 eligible voters). Two divisions, Athletics and Other, did not have any open SAC positions and therefore did not participate in the 2013 election. Click here for a list of SAC divisions.

The SAC would like to thank the representatives whose terms are ending this year: Cathy Chinlund, Debbie Deheck, Teresa Earl, Tomma Guastaferro, Melvin Lee and Donna Thornton.

For more information about the SAC, please visit:
