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Dear Wake Forest Community,

In the aftermath of the tragedy in Boston yesterday, we are left with many questions and few answers. My heart goes out to all of the people injured in the blasts and all those who have loved ones affected by the bombings.

To the best of our knowledge, all of the current Reynolda Campus students, faculty and staff members participating in or attending the Boston Marathon are safe. For that, we are extremely grateful. Many in the Wake Forest community are from or have connections to the Boston area. We will continue to keep your friends and family in our hearts and prayers.

Events of this magnitude can affect people in several ways. Wake Forest offers support and counseling services for all students, faculty and staff. The Counseling Center may be reached at 758-5273, and Campus Ministry at 758-5210. For faculty and staff, there is also the Employee Assistance Program at 716-5493. Please do not hesitate to contact these offices.

In the spirit of Pro Humanitate, please continue to support one another in the coming days.


Nathan O. Hatch
