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Mike Ford at Wake 'N ShakeFaculty and staff are invited to participate in Wake ‘N Shake 2013. Wake ‘N Shake is a 12-hour dance marathon during which participants pledge to stay on their feet for 6 or 12 hours to raise money for the WFUBMC Comprehensive Cancer Center. The event will be held on March 23rd from noon-midnight in Reynolds Gym.

In past years, faculty and staff have not participated in the event; however, that will change this year. In true Wake Forest fashion, this year’s event will be open to the entire community.

A faculty/staff sign-up portal has been created which offers a unique opportunity to participate. Since engagements which may prevent you from staying at the event for an extended time period, registration is designed to fit your needs. Any length of participation is welcome, even if that is only stopping by for an hour. Please see the instructions below to register:

  • Go to
  • Click “Sign Up” – faculty and staff version
  • Fill in your information & choose “faculty/staff team” from the drop-down box
  • Pay the registration fee ($20), which will cover your team shirt, food for the event and facility costs (allowing 100% of donations to go directly to the Comprehensive Cancer Center)

If you are unable to participate in the event, you can still show your support though alternative methods. Please consider the following options:

  • Support a student dancer with a donation
  • Donate to the cause though the regular donation portal

If you have any questions about faculty and staff involvement, email for more information.

Categories: Happening at Wake
