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Children of Wake Forest faculty and staff are invited to attend the fourth annual Martin Luther King Jr. Read-In, which is co-sponsored by WFU, WSSU, Salem College, Hands On Northwest NC, and Girl Talk Triad. The program will be held in Benson 401 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 19, and is targeted towards children aged 4-10.

Children will be paired with a college student reading buddy and will learn about different aspects of Dr. King’s legacy. Each child will be able to take home two books, one new book on the Civil Rights movement and one gently used book of his or her choosing.

This event is free, but children must be registered in advance by Monday, Jan. 14. There are limited spots. To register your child for the event, please send the attached file through interoffice mail to Shelley Sizemore in the Office of Campus Life.

Categories: Happening at Wake
