Although we have reached the formal end to the United Way campaign on campus, opportunities continue for supporting United Way. First, pledges can still be made through the e-pledge process or with paper forms sent to Beth Fay in Human Resources. The University has several more weeks until its final deadline is reached for purposes of scheduling payroll deductions for next years.
Second, the annual campaign finale/auction will be held on Thursday, Dec. 6 from 3-4:30 in Benson 401. This event features a silent auction throughout the afternoon, as well as a live auction toward the end, and food and drink is provided. Funds raised through the auction often help the University pull ever closer to reaching its campaign goal.
Sandy Sikes is leading this year’s auction planning committee. She invites all departments to consider ways to contribute to this year’s auction.
Campus campaign chair John Dinan explains the auction in this manner: “We know we have a wealth of talents, gifts, resources, and/or personal connections to provide contributions to this year’s event. This year, we are especially looking for experiences, as well as donation of goods or services. Maybe someone is an artisan who could donate a piece of their craft; we have benefited from a number of these creations in prior years. Some may be able to donate experiences such as a fly-fishing trip or weekend stay in a beach or mountain house. Also, if someone is connected to a prominent musician or athlete, perhaps he/she could secure an experience with that individual or backstage passes to a play or concert. These are just a few ideas to stir your conversations. We would, of course, acknowledge donors at the auction.
Sandy would look forward to hearing from anyone with an auction suggestion, and she will arrange for the pickup of donations. She can be contacted at