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Dear Wake Forest Community,

I hope your semester is off to a productive start. At the end of August, I was pleased to welcome the class of 2016 to campus, 79 percent of which graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school class. Wake Forest continues to attract top-caliber students because we continue to provide an exceptional education. Our ability to meet and exceed our students’ expectations depends on our stewardship of University resources and our ability to pursue new and innovative ways to fulfill the University’s mission.

Last May, I sent you an email sharing my intent to implement a University-wide Strategic Resource Initiative. Provost Rogan Kersh and Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance Hof Milam will lead a steering committee charged with assessing opportunities to capture funds through greater efficiency, collaboration and practical solutions. The ultimate goal of the committee is to identify funds that will allow us to continue progress on our most important strategic priorities, including student financial aid and competitive compensation for faculty and staff.

I am grateful to the faculty members, deans and administrators on the Strategic Resource Initiative Steering Committee for volunteering the time and considerable energy it will take to meet our goals. To be successful it will be important that we all respect the confidential nature of the deliberations to take place. The following people have agreed to serve on the steering committee:

Randy Casstevens (Athletics), Christa Colyer (Chemistry), James Cotter (Business), Jacquelyn Fetrow (College), Jay Ford (Religion), Michele Gillespie (History), Mark Hall (Law), Katy Harriger (Politics & International Affairs), Charles Iacovou (Business), Donna McGalliard (Residence Life & Housing), Emily Neese (Advancement), Gail O’Day (Divinity), and Lynn Sutton (ZSR), Ronald Wright (Law).

Additionally, a working group comprised of staff members from offices around campus will provide subject matter expertise to the steering committee.

Each member of the campus community is invited to submit suggestions that will reduce University expenditures and/or increase University revenue. Please keep in mind that the most actionable suggestions are likely to be opportunities that can be realized within your own department or office. Please email your suggestions to

In approximately 90 days, the steering committee will share with us the types of suggestions they have received, a reporting of the committee’s actions to date, and their expectations for the work remaining.

I am grateful for the work the steering committee and working group will undertake on behalf of the University and I thank you all for your commitment to Wake Forest.


Nathan O. Hatch
