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Staff and faculty, join Wake Forest students and alumni on June 1–4 for Pro Humanitate Days, and together we’ll make the world a better place. Already 18 clubs and hundreds of Wake Foresters have committed to keeping the Pro Humanitate spirit alive in their communities through service activities including park restorations, garden projects, and food drives.

On Friday, June 1, from 3-5 p.m., the Winston-Salem Club and WFU Alumni Office will be partnering with the United Way of Forsyth County to bring several service opportunities to campus! From campus tours for the Boys and Girls Club to cooking in Campus Kitchen, local alumni, students, and faculty and staff will have the opportunity to join together and give back. Celebrate afterward with President Hatch and other members of the Wake Forest family! The Alumni Office will be collecting canned food for those who cannot participate earlier.

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Categories: Alumni, Happening at Wake

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