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President Nathan Hatch and vice president for university advancement Mark Petersen sign the beam.

President Nathan Hatch and vice president for university advancement Mark Petersen sign the beam.

More than 200 Schools of Business students, faculty, staff, alumni and Board of Visitors members cheered as they watched the final steel beam being lifted and set into place on top of Farrell Hall, the future home of the Schools of Business.

Witnesses to this construction milestone were able to sign their names on the beam before it was hoisted up in the air by a crane and moved into place on April 13.

President Nathan O. Hatch said: “It has been exciting to watch Farrell Hall, the physical manifestation of our commitment to the teacher-scholar ideal and faculty-student interaction, rise up out of the ground. When complete, it will be a space that both reflects and supports the distinctive mission of our Schools of Business.”

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