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Nathan HatchFifteen Wake Forest students joined University President Nathan O. Hatch in the Reynolda Hall cafeteria, known on campus as “The Pit,” for an informal conversation on February 28. It is the president’s first official Pit sit. (On campus, a “Pit sit” is slang for a lengthy time chatting and socializing with friends in the Pit.)

Students talked with Dr. Hatch about campus construction, tuition and other Wake Forest community-related issues. In particular, students asked about the University’s master plan, which adds two North Campus residence halls to meet increased housing needs related to the three-year on-campus residency requirement. Hatch said, “College works better with more students on campus,” and expects the move to boost student morale.

“I thought the Pit sit was a great atmosphere to start a conversation,” said Nirali Vagadia, a first-year student. “We were able to express our concerns and vent some of our frustrations in an informal setting.”

“I think this is a nice forum, and that it’s really important for students to be heard,” said junior Bo Machayo. “I hope the event will continue and maybe become more frequent.”

While this may be Dr. Hatch’s first Pit sit with students, he is known for keeping his door open to student concerns. “I never turn down a student who makes an appointment to speak with me,” said Hatch.

— by Melissa McKeon (’12), Intern, Communications and External Relations

Categories: Happening at Wake
