Ellen KirkmanLongtime mathematics professor Ellen Kirkman has received an award for outstanding service from the Mathematical Association of America.

Kirkman received the MAA’s Southeastern Section Distinguished Service Award. She was recognized for her long service to Wake Forest and to the MAA. The MAA’s Southeastern Section represents five states and more than 200 colleges and universities.

“Throughout her career Ellen has been willing to take on important and demanding projects for the math department, for Wake Forest, and for national organizations such as the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America,” said Professor and Chair of Mathematics Steve Robinson. “Her list of accomplishments in all of these arenas is beyond being impressive. I find it particularly remarkable that, even with her many service accomplishments, she has consistently maintained high standards as a teacher and scholar.”

Kirkman, who is also director of the graduate program in mathematics, joined the faculty in 1975. She received the University’s Schoonmaker Award for Service in 2007.

She has served in a number of leadership roles with the national MAA and with the Southeastern Section of the MAA, and with the American Mathematical Society.

The MAA has recognized three Wake Forest professors in the last three years. Last year, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jason Parsley received the MAA’s Southeastern Section Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member. In 2009, Professor of Mathematics Hugh Howards won the MAA’s Distinguished Teaching Award for the Southeastern Section.

— By Kerry M. King (’85), Office of Communications and External Relations
