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President Hatch leads the cheers at the United Way kickoff on campus last September.

President Hatch leads the cheers at the United Way kickoff on campus last September.

Wake Forest and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center are among the 30 organizations statewide to be recognized for conducting outstanding United Way campaigns this year.

Wake Forest exceeded its campaign goal of $350,000 for the year. “As I have worked on this campaign, I have been constantly impressed with the work of the United Way and their partner agencies,” said Professor of Theatre Mary Wayne-Thomas, who chaired this year’s campus campaign. “I am grateful that my Wake Forest colleagues are so generous.”

The University and the Medical Center received the Spirit of North Carolina Awards for Campaign Excellence, given annually by the United Way of North Carolina. The award is based on employee participation and giving levels, leadership giving, volunteerism, incentive programs and campaign rallies.

“The Spirit of North Carolina Award is a real honor for the faculty and staff of Wake Forest, who make service to their community and support of the United Way an important part of their lives,” said President Nathan O. Hatch. “I am proud of the many ways Wake Foresters contributed to the success of this year’s United Way campaign.”

Hatch, who also served as chairman of the United Way of Forsyth County this year, announced Feb. 22 that the Forsyth County campaign had exceeded its goal of $17.3 million. This year’s campaign raised $17,325,153. Last year’s campaign raised $17,201,478.

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— By Kerry M. King (’85), Office of Communications and External Relations
