Staff Advisory Council, January meeting minutes

Jim Alty and Alex Crist spoke about parking and traffic concerns at the January SAC meeting.

Minutes of Meeting – January 25, 2011

In attendance: Mary Cranfill, Dee Perry, Cathy Chinlund, James Rae, Nicolle Gaillard, Candi Lofano, Ann Gordon, Elide Vargas, Ann Flynn, Karen Frekko, Bob Hebert, Kathy Bunn, Prentice Armstrong, Jim Alty, Sharon Payne, Debbie Deheck, Paul Sheff, Angela Culler, Tomma Guastaferro and Randy Cockerham

Parking and Transportation Program Update:
Guest speakers Jim Alty and Alex Crist spoke about improvements that have been completed, and the goals for the future.

Issuing of new parking permits for both faculty, staff and students.
Reduced student parking on-campus.
347 new parking spaces added to Bridger Field House lot.
Re-designation of lots for staff, students and visitors.
Increase in use of new shuttle lines.
Booting policy implemented – improved compliance in parking significantly increased.
Reduced faculty/staff citations.

Goals for FY ’12:
Provide more visitor parking.
Improve signage.
Decrease excessive traffic of employees looking for a parking space on campus.
Make available a carpool plan.
Investigate pedestrian and bicycle paths in conjunction with neighboring areas (e.g., Buena Vista).
Increase number of Zip cars available.

Topic for Feedback:
Would there be any interest in going to a Zone/Core Parking Concept plan for faculty and staff?

Zone Concept:
Issuing of permits for core specific lots based on a first- come first-serve basis; faculty/staff will apply for a first, second and third choice of lots preference for parking.
Issued on a 1:1 ratio.
If more requests than available parking, a lottery procedure will be used.

Designated Lot Concept:
Under this system, a permit would be issued identifying the lot one should park in. This includes only a designated lot, not a designated parking space.
Permits will be issued on a first-come first-serve basis
A lottery process will be implemented if requests exceed available lot spaces.

Perceived Advantages:
Fewer cars causing unnecessary traffic while looking for a place to park.
Space availability close to individual’s area of work.
Better allocation of scarce resource.

May not get first choice.
Increased pedestrian traffic.

To reinforce:
There are no plans to implement a zone or designated lot concept at this time. This topic was simply for discussion and to invite feedback, not for implementation.


Concern expressed for pedestrian safety.

Any thought to installing more speed bumps?
Yes, plan is to install what is now called traffic calming method, e.g., Wait Chapel, Manchester, and where downward hill begins near the Admissions building.

Why did we go to a parking permit renewal on a yearly basis?
It has allowed for identification of cars that should not be on campus, and, therefore, has provided more space availability.
Suggested that permits be extended for at least two years instead of renewal on a yearly basis. This would cut on expenses as well.
Suggested that renewals be done with small date tag as is regular car registration is one.

Could we install entry card gates?
Possibly, but it would detract from campus appearance, would be costly, and likely to cause back-up in traffic as people arrived near the same time.

How would we account for “special events” that would require the roping off of a designated parking lot?
Faculty/staff would need to go to outer, undesignated parking area. Those parked in areas without the proper permit will be ticketed.

Where would one park if someone without a permit for a lot has taken a spot?
Faculty/staff whose normal, designated lot was closed would have to park on the outside perimeter.

What is the parking policy after 5 p.m. and on weekends?
Parking becomes available to all.

Action Item:
Jim Alty asked that everyone share the proposed plan with the staff/faculty in their areas for feedback and suggestions. We are asked not to send them the link out of concern that people would jump to conclusions that this possible plan had already been decided on and was in action.

SAC Business:

Mary Cranfill reported on her meeting with President Hatch:
Advised President Hatch of perceived increase in stress and process changes being duplicative, and the need for improvement of communication, especially addressing the need for communication of Staff Climate Survey.
President Hatch’s response to Mary’s suggestion that a “breakfast with the president” or an open forum was positive.
President Hatch was receptive to the suggestion of a forum and will have Mary Pugel look into the possibility of having such a forum where staff could present questions ahead of time, he would then choose which to address at the forum.
Possibly invite other administrators to be part of open forum for Q & A.

Office of Communications Update:
Hired News Director, Brett Eaton.
Would like to form an Advisory Committee to meet regarding improvement of communication.
Possibility of forming a Task Force to address better business processes.
Mary asked for volunteers to work with the Office of Communication: Karen Frekko and Cathy Chinlund volunteered.

Other Business:

Hof will attend all SAC Executive Meetings and only the SAC meetings quarterly.

Angela Culler spoke about the new efforts in possibly starting a questionnaire for new incoming staff, taking photos, talk about their working roles, and update monthly. This effort will address the need for community sharing.

Broadcast messaging: It was agreed that most staff are fine receiving multiple broadcasts messages, where faculty are not.

New Class Schedule: Agreed that staff doesn’t foresee any major problem, although there is general confusion in how best to fill out student class schedules.

Mary asked for volunteers to serve on the Safety Advisory Committee. Mary will find out what commitment(s) is/are required before asking anyone to make a commitment to serve.

Tomma gave a report from the Election Committee. Have seen an increased number in staff signing up for PDC classes.

SAC is going electronic (March 1) rolling out reports on web. Karen gave new Website address as Those who do not have computer access will be sent hard copy.

Turnover of SAC elected positions: To maintain consistency in a structured timeframe, current positions will be extended by one year.

Dean Fetrow, lunches with staff: Dean Fetrow has set up two lunch meetings with several administrative assistants to hear what they feel are major issues on campus. A few more lunch meeting will be scheduled in the future. Good opportunity for SAC members to share with those having lunch what matters to them that they’d like to see brought to Dean Fetrow’s attention.

Future SAC guest speakers:

February: Hof Milam, Senior VP of Finance & Administration
March: Ryan Swanson, University Architect, to discuss new campus projects for this summer and in general.
April: Jill Tiefenthaler
May: Angela Culler and Brian Gittens will speak about the compensation philosophy and the market analysis process. Staff may send Angela and/or Brian any specific questions they might like answered at this meeting.

The next Staff Advisory Council Meeting meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 22, 1:30 – 3 p.m.
