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R. Charles Moyer has been named Dean of the Babcock Graduate School of Management at Wake Forest University.

Wake Forest President Thomas K. Hearn Jr. announced Moyer’s appointment this afternoon at a gathering of University officials, including Babcock faculty, and members of the community.

Moyer was appointed interim dean in December, replacing Gary E. Costley, who resigned to be CEO of International Multifoods, Inc. of Minneapolis.

Under Moyer’s leadership, the Babcock School will seek to continue its rise in stature among the nation’s graduate business schools. U.S. News & World Report recently listed Babcock 37th, a jump of nine places in just two years that puts Babcock among the top 12 percent of graduate business schools in the United States.

“Charles Moyer is a highly revered professor who knows the Babcock School and our constituents well,” said President Hearn. “I have every confidence that his leadership will further strengthen Wake Forest’s graduate school of management.”

Moyer, in collaboration with the faculty, has developed a strategic plan aimed at propelling Babcock into the top 25 over the next 5-7 years.

“The University has made a major commitment of resources to move the School further up in the rankings of the nation’s leading business schools,” said Moyer. “We want to create a school that is renowned for the quality of its business education programs. Also, we want to serve as a catalyst for the economic development efforts in the Triad and the Charlotte areas.”

Moyer, the Integon Chair of Finance at the Babcock Graduate School of Management, joined the faculty in 1988. He was named Babcock Educator of the Year in 1990 for his outstanding classroom teaching.

He previously taught at Texas Tech University, the University of New Mexico, Lehigh University and the University of Houston. Among his many publications are two widely used textbooks, “Managerial Economics” (West Publishing, 7th Edition with F. H. deB. Harris and J. McGuigan) and “Contemporary Financial Management” (West Publishing, 7th Edition with J. McGuigan and W. Kretlow). His research focuses on public utility regulation, financial forecasting, agency costs and corporate control.

He received a Ph.D. in finance and managerial economics and the master of business administration degree at the University of Pittsburgh, where he was named the Outstanding MBA Graduate. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Howard University.

The Babcock Graduate School of Management was founded in 1969 and currently has 657 students and 3,200 alumni. The School offers full-time, evening and executive MBA programs in Winston-Salem and an MBA program in Charlotte. Joint degree programs also are offered with the Wake Forest School of Law and the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University.
