"Zach Garbiso" Archive

OPCD staff share thought leadership with industry peers

Several members of the Office of Personal and Career Development presented at industry conferences, recently, on such topics as marketing strategies to engage students and how to build a college campus around mentoring. In addition to sharing successful ideas that Wake Forest has implemented, staff members received recognition for their work and assumed leadership positions within organizations.


The International Mentoring Conference occurred on April 22-24. The theme of the conference centered on practical strategies around mentoring.

  • Lauren Beam, assistant director of mentoring and alumni personal and professional development, presented “Building Your Toolkit: Engaging Your (Campus) Community around Mentoring.” The presentation focused on ways in which the Wake Forest mentoring department uses National Mentoring Month to engage the campus community with creative marketing materials.
  • Allison McWilliams, director of mentoring and alumni personal and professional development, served as this year’s conference chair.

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Categories: Staff News
