Here’s how WFU announces weather-related closings and delays

Students, faculty and staff at Wake Forest will be informed of any weather-related campus closings and delays this winter by numerous means; along with several other measures, Wake Forest Communications and External Relations will send a voice message and a text message to all cell phones registered to receive Wake Alert emergency messages, post an announcement to Inside WFU and the Wake Ready website, and email students, faculty and staff.

Reminder: WFU emergency alert systems tests on Oct. 6 and 7  

As a reminder, the University Police Department and the Office of Communications and External Relations will conduct tests of the Wake Forest emergency alerts systems on Tuesday, Oct. 6, and Wednesday, Oct. 7, between 9 a.m. and 9 a.m. The tests are being conducted to ensure that the University’s emergency notification systems are operating properly. If an actual emergency were to occur on the testing dates, the University would use numerous alert methods to inform the campus. 

Tests of WFU emergency alert systems to be held Oct. 6 and 7

Tests of Wake Forest emergency alert systems will be conducted Oct. 6 and 7. System tests will occur on both days between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. The tests are being conducted to ensure that the University’s emergency notification systems are operating properly.If an actual emergency were to occur on the testing dates, the University would use numerous alert methods to inform the campus.

Emergency Alert System network to be tested the week of June 15

Multiple tests of the Emergency Alert System will be conducted starting June 16 and continuing through June 18. An Emergency Alert System message will appear on all televisions connected to the campus cable network, as well as on personal devices connected to the Wake Forest network via the Stream2 app. Stream2 users will only see the alert on their Apple TV, laptop or phone if they are logged onto the campus network and have the app open at the time of the alert. System tests will occur throughout the day between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Tornado warning expired for Winston-Salem area; watch in effect until 12 p.m. April 13

The University made the following announcement on the morning of April 13 by several communication methods:

The National Weather Service tornado warning has expired. A tornado watch for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area remains in effect until 12 p.m A tornado watch means tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area. Please monitor local weather reports for the latest information.
