"Architect" Archive

WFU achieves beauty, sustainability with permeable pavers

Guest post by Ryan F. Swanson, University architect:

I hope everyone has enjoyed the permeable brick pavers installed this summer alongside Carroll Weathers Drive. By next summer, these paver walks will extend from the current location near Worrell, past Farrell Hall, the new Dining Hall and the two new Residence Halls. These pavers look great and add a sense of beauty that is not possible with plain concrete.

Yet, many may be surprised to know that the primary reason for using permeable pavers was not completely aesthetic – but rather to meet city storm water mitigation requirements for both water quantity and quality.

Rain falling in an undeveloped area causes natural runoff and ground absorption. In a developed area, the hard surface “footprint” of buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, driveways and roads prevent water from soaking naturally into the ground. This excess water creates a greater than natural surge downstream that increases stream bed erosion, flooding and property damage. Cities and counties now require owners to install storm water management mechanisms, such as pavers, that keep more rainwater on site and return downstream flows to more naturally occurring conditions.

There are other examples of storm water mitigation in our recent campus projects. Read more
