November 2012 faculty publications

The following faculty had writings published in November 2012:

Albrecht, Jane W. (Romance Languages). Stoicism, Seneca and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Tragedy. Scripta Humanistica. November 2012.

Hicks, Derek S. (Divinity). Reclaiming Spirit in the Black Faith Tradition. Palgrave Macmillan. November 2012.

Sanhueza, María-Teresa. (Romance Languages). Ecos y estelas de un maestro: Homenaje a Mauricio Ostria González. Editorial de la Universidad de Concepción. November 2012.

Smiler, Andrew P. (Psychology). Challenging Casanova: Beyond the Stereotype of the Promiscuous Young Male. Jossey-Bass. November 2012.

Sznajder, Mario, Luis Roniger, & Carlos Forment, Eds. (Politics & International Affairs). Shifting Frontiers of Citizenship: The Latin American Experience. Brill. November 2012.
