"The Nyanya Project" Archive

Eat, drink and support The Nyanya Project

Mary Martin NiepoldOn Tuesday, Oct. 18, Camino Bakery (on the corner of Fourth and Cherry in Winston-Salem) will be donating a percentage of its proceeds to The Nyanya Project, a non-profit agency launched by journalism instructor Mary Martin Niepold in 2007. Through the program, volunteers teach grandmothers in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda — many of whom are caring for grandchildren orphaned by AIDS  and who live on less than $1 per day with no government assistance — how to earn sustainable incomes.

In an effort to build another school in Rwanda, The Nyanya Project is looking for as much support as possible. Stop in between 7 a.m and 11 p.m., grab some coffee, lunch or dinner, and say “Nyanya” at the counter so that a percentage of your purchases will benefit The Nyanya Project’s continuous love and effort to help those in need.

Find out more about the Nyanya Project »
Camino Bakery website »

Categories: Faculty News
