"Akbar Salam" Archive

Chemistry professor awarded senior fellowship

Professor of Chemistry Akbar Salam has been awarded a Marie S. Curie External Senior Fellowship to be held at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Freiburg, Germany.

This fellowship is co-financed by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, People, Co-funding of regional, national and international programs (COFUND)” and the state of Baden-Wurttemberg. Less than 20% of the applicant pool was funded.

Salam will spend Spring 2019 semester in Germany working on a project entitled “Development of Quantum Electrodynamical Theories of Resonance Energy Transfer.”

Categories: Inside WFU

Faculty publications: October 2016 updates

Burg, Jennifer, Jason Romney, & Eric Schwartz. (Computer Science). Digital Sound & Music: Concepts, Applications, and Science. Franklin, Beedle & Associates. October 2016.

Escott, Paul David. (History). Paying Freedom’s Price: A History of African Americans in the Civil War (The African American History Series). Rowman & Littlefield. October 2016.

Goldschmidt, Tyron, & Scott Stapleford. (Philosophy). Berkeley’s Principles: Expanded and Explained. Routledge. September 2016.

Harlan, Susan. (English). Memories of War in Early Modern England: Armor and Militant Nostalgia in Marlowe, Sidney, and Shakespeare. Palgrave Macmillan. September 2016.

Mitra, Ananda. (Communication). India on the Western Screen: Imaging a Country in Film, TV, and Digital Media. Sage. October 2016.

Salam, Akbar. (Chemistry). Non-Relativistic QED Theory of the van der Waals Dispersion Interaction (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science). Springer. October 2016.

Yang, Sunggu. (Divinity). Evangelical Pilgrims from the East: Faith Fundamentals of Korean American Protestant Diasporas (Asian Christianity in the Diaspora series). Palgrave Macmillan. October 2016.

Endowed Professors, Faculty Fellowships and promotions

ironwork.200x250Congratulations to the College’s newest endowed professors, this year’s Wake Forest Faculty Fellows and those faculty receiving promotions.

The Wake Forest Professorship award is an endowed chair position and is among the University’s highest honors. The selection criteria include exceptional skill and sustained dedication in the classroom; outstanding commitment to student learning and growth beyond the classroom; a wide-reaching and significant record in scholarly and creative work; a sustained exemplary service to the department, the discipline, the College, the University and the broader scholarly community.

Recipients of the Wake Forest Professorships are:

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Proposals funded: Stone, Salam

Eric StoneCongratulations to Eric R. Stone, associate professor of psychology, whose proposal entitled “Aggregative Contingent Estimation System (ACES)” has been funded by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) and the Applied Research Associates (WFU funding agency).

Akbar SalamCongratulations to Akbar Salam, associate professor of chemistry, whose proposal entitled “ES12: The 24th Annual workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Theory” has been funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Categories: Faculty News

Dedicated Deacons

Thanks to committee members Akbar Salam, David Coates, Allin Cottrell, Katy Harriger and Gloria Muday for their time and efforts in helping students prepare their nominations for the Rhodes, Marshall, Churchill and Mitchell scholarships. — from Tom Phillips

Categories: Dedicated Deacons
