"Global Campus" Archive

Global Wake Week ahead in March

The Office of the Provost sent this message, recently, to faculty and staff:

Save the Date – Global Wake Week

March 14-18

Mark your calendar for what promises to be a week-long celebration of our Global Campus as we focus onTranscending Boundaries: Building a Global Campus Community. Enjoy a week filled with activities, films, food trucks, games and more as we prepare for the SACSCOC on-site visit. This educative week for faculty, staff, and students will celebrate our past global successes and will launch the University’s 10-year Quality Enhancement Plan for strengthening Global Wake Forest.

Faculty and Staff, please mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 15th for a special Hygge (cozy, Danish flare) dinner in the new Sutton Center in Reynolds Gym (invitations coming soon).

Be on the lookout for more information about Global Wake Week and make sure to like Global Wake Forest on Facebook or follow on Twitter!

